What are flagged activities?

There are two types of flagging that can occur within Challenge Hound. System flagging and challenge administrator flagging. System flagging will impact the activity in all challenges, whereas challenge administrator flagging will only impact specific challenges.

System Flagged Activities

If an activity has a red flag next to it, then it has been flagged. Flagged activities are NOT included in any challenge results. You can see your flagged activities under the main Activities page. There are a variety of reasons that an activity might have been flagged. 

  • Duplicate activity 
  • Invalid distance
  • Invalid elevation
  • Invalid duration
  • Inappropriate name

Flagging is meant to ensure that challenge results are as accurate as possible.

Challenge Administrator Flagged Activities

Activities with qualifying challenges can be flagged by the administrators of those challenges. When an activity is flagged by a challenge administrator, then that activity no longer qualifies for that challege and it is not counted towards the results. Only challenge administrators can flag and un-flag activities. If one of your activities has been flagged, then please reach out to the challenge administrator (not Challenge Hound) to debate the flagging.

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