Point-Based Challenges

Points-based challenges are great for events that wish to include various activity types and weight activity type efforts. For example, a 1 mile run can equal one point and a 1 mile bike ride can equal 0.1 point. This weighting of activity types opens competition up for everyone!

In addition to opening up the competition, this challenge type also enables you to pro-rate unequal teams. For example, if you have a team of 40 people and a team of 80 people, you are able to double the points awarded for activities carried out by the first team, creating a level playing field for competition. Similarly, this technique can also be used for teams of different skill-levels.

This challenge-type is compatible with our maps feature with progress being equated to either points (which represent a distance figure), or just distance in general (regardless of points).

Setup for these challenge types is quite straightforward but things can get complicated when pro-rating a number of teams. We have created a tutorial to help demonstrate this feature as well as the setup in general.

Throughout the challenge, you will be able to view the points conversion chart. This is located right underneath the challenge title and can be edited by the administrator at any time.

Below we have put together two standard point tables. Of course, you don't have to stick with this, but it should provide some reference to building a table of your own.

The first table pertains to distance-based activities:

Activity Type Points per Mile
Run 3
Virtual Run 3
Walk 1.5
Hike 1.5
Ride 1
Virtual Ride 1
E-Bike Ride 0.75
Row 2
Kayak 2
Canoe 2
Elliptical 3
Swim 12
Inline Skate 1.5
Skateboard 1.5
Backcountry Ski 0.2
Alpine Ski 0.1
Snowboard 0.1
Ice Skate 2
Nordic Ski 2
Roller Ski 2
Wheelchair 3
Handcycle 3
Stand Up Paddle 4
Golf 1.5
Workout 1.5
Snowshoe 3.5
Kitesurf 0.1

The table below is focused on duration based activities:

Activity Type Points Per Minute
Football 0.2
Weight Training 0.1
Yoga 0.1
Meditate 0.1
Tennis 0.1
Rock Climbing 0.1
Pilates 0.1
Tai Chi 0.1

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