I've joined a challenge and my Strava activities are not syncing. What can I do?

  • Check your Strava account and make sure the activity has been successfully uploaded.
  • In Challenge Hound, check the main Activities link to see if the activity has been added to Challenge Hound. If the activity is in Challenge Hound, but NOT being added to the challenge, it is most likely due to how the challenge has been configured. Check the activity types, duration, and if the challenge has already been completed. If you have questions concerning the challenge parameters, please contact the challenge administrator.
  • Make sure you've actually joined a challenge. On the main Challenge page, you should see your challenge listed at the top under Active challenges. If it is not there, that most likely indicates you have not joined the challenge. Find the private link that was sent to you and follow that to Join the challenge. Once you join, you'll get a confirmation email and activities will start to sync.
  • Double check that the challenge you have joined accepts the same activities you are completing. If you join a Run and Walk challenge, then rides and swims will not be added to those challenges. Sometimes challenge administrators select Run, but not Virtual Run, so in that case Virtual Runs would not be counted. If you have questions concerning activity types, contact the challenge administrator.

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